October 13, 2012

How to write a biography

A biography tells the true story of another person’s life. Do you want to write your own biography? You could write about an author, a movie star, a war hero, an athlete or even a family member. Once you’ve chosen someone to write about, find out as much as you can about that person. Read about the person, or interview the person if he or she is someone you know. 

Think about what else you would like to know about the person, and what parts of the life you want to write most about. Some questions you might want to think about include:
  1. What makes this person special or interesting?
  2. What kind of effect did he or she have on the world? other people?
  3. What are the adjectives you would most use to describe the person?
  4. What examples from their life illustrate those qualities?
  5. What events shaped or changed this person's life?
  6. Did he or she overcome obstacles? Take risks? Get lucky?
  7. Would the world be better or worse if this person hadn't lived? How and why?

To help plan what you will write, print out and complete this Biography Organizer. Then get started!

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