September 21, 2012

Soaring Like An Albatross

Mankind has always been intrigued by how birds with a larges wingspans can glide thousands of miles without flapping their wings. Albatross are among the largest of flying birds with wing spans of up to 12 ft. Recently, German aerospace engineer Johannes Tarugott and his colleagues, charted the albatross's flight pattern to learn the techniques used by these winged creatures to stay aloft.

Dynamic Soaring

The albatross may be clumsy on land. Early mariners in fact nicknamed them Gooney Birds. However once in air, these birds transform into masters in flight. Albatross use a mode of flight called dynamic soaring. They maintain or increase their altitude without flapping their wings, by taking advantage of rising air. Usually updrafts (rising air) are generated when a steady wind strikes something vertical -- say a a hill, cliff or obstruction which provides an "obstruction lift".
Thermals or updrafts can also be caused by uneven heating of air near the earth's surface. Air over flat lands tend to heat faster than air over water or forests. Warmer air is lighter than the surrounding cooler air and rises. However at higher altitudes, warm air begins to cool and sink.

Airzones and boundary between air masses

The birds conserve their energy and gain strength from air masses by repeatedly crossing the boundary between air masses of different velocities. Albatross fly close to the surface of the earth and turn suddenly into the wind when they want to gain altitude. When they are about 50 feet high, the birds turn leeward (away from the wind) and are pushed downwind. They glide effortlessly in the current until it is time to climb again.

By taking advantage of gravity and wind speeds over the sea surface, the albatross attains height and ground speeds of up to 60 mph without having to flap their wings. For a better understanding of how dynamic soaring works, dont miss the video in the notes.

Adapting to Aeronautics

The researchers, in their study of the albatross, noted that the birds have a special tendon on each shoulder that allow them to lock their wings in place to help them with gliding. Using minimal energy, it gave them the ability to stay airborne for long periods of time. Adapting it to modern aeronautics, a fixed wing aircraft could operate on the same principle. While it may be hard for a commercial airliner to fly like an albatross and stay close to the ocean surface and make quick turns and sharp climbs, drones or unmanned vehicles that need to be constantly airborne to recieve radio and telemetry signals could use the albatross efficiency principles.

We never know what we may learn next from nature. The important thing is to keep an open mind and stay observant.r masses of different velocities. Albatross fly close to the surface of the earth and turn suddenly into the wind when they want to gain altitude. When they are about 50 feet high, the birds turn leeward (away from the wind) and are pushed downwind. They glide effortlessly in the current until it is time to climb again.

By taking advantage of gravity and wind speeds over the sea surface, the albatross attains height and ground speeds of up to 60 mph without having to flap their wings. For a better understanding of how dynamic soaring works, dont miss the video in the notes.

Adapting to Aeronautics

The researchers, in their study of the albatross, noted that the birds have a special tendon on each shoulder that allow them to lock their wings in place to help them with gliding. Using minimal energy, it gave them the ability to stay airborne for long periods of time. Adapting it to modern aeronautics, a fixed wing aircraft could operate on the same principle. While it may be hard for a commercial airliner to fly like an albatross and stay close to the ocean surface and make quick turns and sharp climbs, drones or unmanned vehicles that need to be constantly airborne to recieve radio and telemetry signals could use the albatross efficiency principles.

We never know what we may learn next from nature. The important thing is to keep an open mind and stay observant.

Courtesy: National Geographic,

From Youngzine

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