September 17, 2012

Biology IGCSE Notes by KmQ

Unit 1 : Characteristics of living things
Uniy 2: Classification
Unit 3 : Cell Structure
Unit 4 : Diffusion, active transport and osmosis
Unit 5 : Enzymes
Unit 6 : Nutrition and digestion
Unit 7 : Plant nutrition (photosynthesis)
Unit 8: Transport in plants
Unit 9: Transport in humans
Unit 10 : Gas Exchange
Unit 11 :Excretion
Unit 12: Homeostasis  and Hormones
Unit 13 :The nervous  system
Unit 14 : The Eye

Scroll down the sidebar to read the whole text.
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Download the notes in pdf here!

*Another Biology Notes for IGCSE by Emma Le:
on blogspot and  on Weebly

10i1 at WIS

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